According to a recent report released by PreciseSecurity.com, Merger and Acquisition (M&A) deal value in the information security market has surged to $21.6 billion in the first 9 months of 2019.
The Information Security Market makes reference to cybersecurity, digital ID, critical communications, access control, and video surveillance.
M&A Value Surges To $21.6 Billion
As per the report, M&A value this year rose by 44% compared to 2018, when during the whole year the M&A value reached $15 billion. The value registered in 2019 represents an all-time high in the industry.
It is also worth mentioning that the number of deals remains yet below the deals signed last year. Data shows that in 2019 there have been 100 M&A deals compared to 131 in 2018.
On the matter, the report explains:
“Surprisingly, with a lower number of deals in the information security market worldwide in 2019, the value handled and arranged by companies is much higher than ever before.”
Indeed, the information provided by PreciseSecurity.com indicates that the average value of each deal in 2019 was equal to $218 million. Back in 2018, the average deal value was $114.5 million. Only a few years ago, in 2012, the average value per deal was just $19.1 million.
PreciseSecurity.com editor Justinas Baltrusaitis commented about it:
“This certainly shows how the industry has been evolving in the last 7 years and that there is still much more place for the market to keep growing in the future.”
The full story can be read here: https://www.precisesecurity.com/articles/information-security-market-ma-reaches-21-6-billion-highest-since-2010
Source: Justinas Baltrusaitis, http://PreciseSecurity.com