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Maximizing the Perks of Owning a Local Business

Ecommerce has never been as popular as it is now. In fact, according to Statista, worldwide ecommerce sales in 2019 reached $3.53 trillion, and it’s projected to grow to $6.54 trillion in 2022. This is mainly because buying something can just be a few clicks away. But while the convenience online stores offer is undeniable, there are still some benefits to having a brick and mortar shop.

If you own or manage a store in your area, don’t worry. Here are some of the best advantages of local businesses and how to maximize them.

Face Behind the Business

You don’t just show pictures and profiles to your buyers, you actually greet them and hand them your products. According to Forbes, you cannot discount the value of face-to-face business transactions because at the end of the day, you deal with people, not entities. It also helps that the people you do business with are people you see in PTA meetings, soccer games, church, and the like. Interacting in person builds trust which translates to repeat customers.

Make the most of this by speaking with your customers. Make small talk and be attentive to their needs. You won’t only get loyal buyers; you’ll also make friends.

They Really See You

Think back to a time when Google wasn’t around yet. You had to know which stores sell what by memory. This is still useful now. When people see your store, you’ll be their first choice when they need something because ‘right now’ still beats whatever express delivery online stores offer. This is also why location is still one of the most important considerations for local enterprises.

Make the most of this by making sure your business signage is spread out and easily spotted. It won’t hurt if you have beautiful, well-thought-out slogans too. Just make sure the message remains clear and concise.

Boost Local Economy

One of the underrated advantages of local businesses is how they help boost the local economy. The taxes you pay directly impact your area and the people who live in it. This means you have a stake in the improvement of your area. This also means that the money that you earn is likely going to be spent locally too.

Take advantage of this by being more active in the locality. Sponsor a local basketball team. Volunteer at local charities. This will show your customers that you are part of their community and you are invested in its growth.

The Best of Both Worlds

The truth is, ecommerce has been hurting sales of local enterprises. It’s inevitable since most people spend hours in front of screens and on the internet. But the best thing about ecommerce is that you can also carve your share from this massive pie. There’s no reason for you to pass up this amazing opportunity. Think of it as the expansion you’ve always dreamed about. By creating your own ecommerce entity, you can maintain your current clientele and tap into other customer markets elsewhere.

Make the most of this by creating a gorgeous and seamless website for transactions. You can also list your products with online retail giants like Amazon. Combine this with the benefits of having a physical store and you’re looking at more sales with virtually no downside except all the work you’ll have to do to deliver those orders.

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