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Meet 12 year old Mallayka Ianna Oddenyo: Earth Day Network Africa Ambassador Promoting Environmentalism in Kenya

Mallayka Ianna Oddenyo



 I am Mallayka Ianna Oddenyo a Kenyan. At the moment am 12 years old, a student in Grade 7.Little Environmental Ambassador Kisumu County, Green Kids Award Winner Kenya and also an Earth Day Network Africa Ambassador.



I am a Professional Model, adventurous, I love taking care of our mother earth and am into recycling very much. I love reading books, mentoring youths, all in all taking care of the environment is  my number one objective.


There are uncountable problems that our mother earth is facing. Especially in Kenya, cutting down of trees  and not planting others is worse and this causes flooding in my country.Every now and then people are being washed away. Secondly, plastic pollution. Plastic pollutes our poor lake Victoria and oceans. where by, the production of fish is going down because many fish are being killed due to plastics. Plastics  also cause the spread of mosquitoes. Plastics are thrown everywhere and this becomes breeding place for mosquitoes. Our animals like cows, goats and many other are being chocked and killed because of plastics.


After all this  I realize that the 3Rs are very important now Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Also lets control cutting down of trees and encourage our Government and individuals to advocate for Bamboo plantation at places where floods and erosion appears most of the time. We the public have a major key role to play in ending plastic pollution. I do recycles plastic bottles and bottle caps to make different products such as flowers, flower vessels, picture frames and face masks. And one thing we need to know, no waste is waste if you follow the 3Rs .

Remember, as you celebrate your birthday on that day don’t forget to celebrate with mother earth too by planting of trees in memory of your day.

By Mallayka Ianna Oddenyo

Source: Climate Daily Effects (C.D.F) is a social media platform that share stories and solutions to climate crisis in everyday life. C.D.F is presented to you Friday of every week by LYCA ‘s Climate Education Coordinator Miss. Kadiatu A. Sheriff. Climate Daily Effects is an initiative of  Liberian  Youth for Climate  Actions (LYCA)


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