Paul Ayomide is an advocate for Clean Ocean and healthy environment, from Nigeria. He is a final year student at The Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria studying Fisheries and Aquaculture Technology .
He is the first born from a family with four children. After Secondary education in 2013, he worked in three different schools as an educator before he gained admission in 2015 into The Federal University of Technology, Akure in Nigeria where he began his journey as a change agent.
Paul Ayomide is an active change agent passionate about adding value to the aquatic world and its resources and advocating for sustainable environment.
The aquatic environment is lowly regarded globally and mostly seen as non-relevant which has led to abuse of the aquatic environment birthing plastic pollution and ocean pollution of all kinds.
Plastic pollution in Nigeria and globally started as an insignificant bodypain and gradually became an hemorrhagic fever and now fast turning to pandemic which will shake the world more than that of Covid-19.
Plastic pollution is fast causing damages to drainage channels and also polluting aquatic environments.
Ocean pollution of all kinds arise due people inadequate knowledge about the aquatic environment and its resources.
In January 2019 I took a step further towards enlightening people about the aquatic world and its resources with the aim of digging deep to reveal its prodigies. I started by organizing online talk shows on whatsapp discussing some significant aquatic resources and unknown facts about them.
In March I took another important step towards bring the talkshow live to the Federal University of technology where we bring in different guests per show to enlighten our offline and online audience worldwide.
The little effort then is now an organization Aquaworld having Timeouts members within and outside Nigeria through which we visit institutions and sensitize them about Ocean and Plastic Pollution and their adverse effects. We also lias with other organizations to perform ocean and beach clean ups in Nigeria.
The organization and myself will not relent and see to it that everyone get acquainted to the aquatic environment and totally disregard abuse to the aquatic environment.
Source: Climate Daily Effects (C.D.F) is a social media platform that share stories and solutions to climate crisis in everyday life. C.D.F is presented to you Friday of every week by LYCA ‘s Climate Education Coordinator Miss. Kadiatu A. Sheriff. Climate Daily Effects is an initiative of Liberian Youth for Climate Actions (LYCA)
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