My name is Vimbainashe Chado, and l should normally go by just Vimbaibut everyone just tends to call me by my last name Chado, anything is fine really☺. I am a youth environment advocate from Zimbabwe, l am also an Earth Day Ambassador, a Global Biodiversity Youth Network member Zimbabwean chapter and an active participant of the AYICC in Zimbabwe. Currently l am an A level student doing Mathematics, Biology and Chemistry at Arundel School in the hopes of undertaking a Bio-medical engineering degree as an undergrad then ultimately becoming a Veterinary Surgeon after post-grad because l honestly and truly adore animals. At school l am also the EWC (Environment and Wildlife Club) president.
Growing up in the escarpments of the Zambezi Valley, l had the fortune of being graced by insightful scenery ranging from the blueish-green wide waters of Lake Kariba shadowed in a hazy horizon by soaring peeks of the majestic Bumi and Matusadonha Mountains covered in thickets of the Mopani and Munhondo with the occasional solitary silvery pink Baobab to sightings of notorious baboons and herds of elephants, zebra and nyati the list is endless. Engulfed by abundant nature my love and passion for wildlife photography blossomed.
Todays rapid depletion of wildlife, whether flora or fauna through speedy oblivious industrialisation, poaching and underwhelming management of resources by authorities has been a tragic era that has dawned on our generation as the youth. Our Biggest Problem. In no time if we dont take the time to realise that the environment beckons us to understand that the creatures and critters that we still have today are worth more than two industrialised tomorrows.
Taking pictures of the wildlife we still can grasp through a camera lens or first hand, has been my solution to preserving and conserving the little that is left. The pictures serve as a form of awareness of the environment we are consciously and consistently losing. When they are in published calendars on social media platforms in this digital era and hopefully soon in commendable books such as Birdlife Zimbabwe, people have empathy for what they are losing so they make donations in any-form usable to help save our vanishing environment. For example, just a couple of dollars could be used for patrol and removal of snares used by poachers and a couple more can be used for bigger projects such as fencing refuse collecting sites to keep the animals from eating or coming into contact with harmful disposals and if a person views a picture of a specific indigenous tree they appreciate but that is also not so abundant in nature as it should be, they can donate in the form of manure or water to help-out a plant nursery that will reintroduce that tree back into the wild.
Some of the pictures taken of desert gardening at home have given others ideas and ways to beautify their homes whilst preserving some endangered succulents and drought resistant flowers in these times were water is scarce and a luxury. Lastly although this is more of a hobby l have found creating wall art with recycled nature pictures taken by other photographers or myself as another way to raise donations for the purpose of conserving the environment. Ultimately what keeps me motivated and driven is something l have always believed that if one does what they are passionate about for something that is invaluable to them it never feels like work but rather it feels more like second nature.
Contact her via: Email: vimbaichado@gmail.com Snapchat: vimbai_chado20
Discord: Vimbai#7091
Source: Climate Daily Effects (C.D.F) is a social media platform that share stories and solutions to climate crisis in everyday life. C.D.F is presented to you Friday of every week by LYCA ‘s Climate Education Coordinator Miss. Kadiatu A. Sheriff. Climate Daily Effects is an initiative of Liberian Youth for Climate Actions (LYCA)
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