MTN Ghana is set to organize its maiden Gaming Conference in Accra on Friday, August 30, 2019

The MTN Gaming Conference designed to create an opportunity for select individuals within the gaming community to collaborate and network will be held at the Accra Digital Center.

The MTN Gaming Conference is an event that seeks to bring together stakeholders (programmers, artists, producers, game designers, audio professionals and business decision-makers) to exchange ideas in the development of interactive games and immersive experiences to shape the future of the industry in Ghana. Participants will discuss selected topics in the area of the Art and Science of Games, the Business of Games and Game Art Design.

Two experts in the Game Industry are expected to address participants. Eric Elder is a renowned international game consultant with several years of experience in the gaming industry is the key note speaker. Eric is the founder of OW! (Online Worlds) Entertainment which was established in 1997 to create virtual worlds for movie & TV properties. His revolutionary Game Wizards video game training program, which has helped launch the careers ofsome of the top talent in AAA games today, celebrates 16 years in business this year.

Another speaker to address the conference is Johana Riquier. Johana is a Business Development Manager at Unity Technologies with the main focus of ensuring developer adoption, relations and revenue growth in the entire
Europe, Middle East and Africa.

In his comments ahead of the event, the Chief Marketing Officer of MTN Ghana, Noel Kojo- Ganson expressed his confidence in the guest speakers as their in-depth knowledge in the area will boost the confidence of the youth to
recognize the economic monetary potential in Games. He said, “the Gaming industry has proven itself globally to be an economic force to reckon with, employing thousands of individuals and generating revenues they never

To this end, the MTN Gaming Conference will provide game developers, stakeholders, app developers and gaming enthusiasts the opportunity to connect with others who share their interests within the world of gaming while exchanging ideas on how to develop interactive games.

The MTN Gaming Conference is one of a series of engagements with specific industry players whose works can be enhanced through digital means. In previous years, MTN has had conferences for persons in the creative arts and music industry on Intellectual Property and Protection of inventions, literary and artistic works, symbols, names, and images created by the mind. Another session was held for journalists in the area of digital journalism. MTN Gaming conference creates a similar opportunity for Gamers realizing the importance and value from the earlier industry engagements.

Source: MTN Ghana

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