Marshallans’ Business Fair launched


By Nutifafa Dela Ahiawor, (Junior Marshallan 43J)

Knights and Ladies of Marshall, Council 71 and Court 63 have organized their maiden business fair and networking event dubbed: “Marshallans’ Business Fair” at the St. Margaret-Mary Catholic Parish in Dansoman, Accra on Sunday, 25th August, 2019.

The fair was opened by Rev. Father Bernard Adjei Appiah (SVD), the assistant parish priest of the St. Margret- Mary Church, Dansoman. In all, over fifty (50) registered exhibitors had the opportunity to showcase their various businesses.Del Report

The theme of the fair: ‘’ My Business, Your Business, Our Business” seeks to help members of Council 71 and Court 63 to acquaint themselves with each other’s field of business activity. The fair was also opened to other catholic business owners in parishes around the Dansoman community.

According to the Grand Knight (GK) of Council 71, Bro. Dr. Innocent Adzamli, the “Marshallans’ Business Fair: “will encourage marshallans and other catholic faithfuls from surrounding parishes to grow their businesses and transact business among themselves.” “This will help us support our various churches if they need financial support.” Asked how Junior Marshallans stands to also benefit from this initiative? The (GK) said: “Parents of Junior Marshallans would be able to pay their wards school fees, because they will be financially empowered if they continue to do business among themselves.”

“The fair also has the potential to help Junior Marshallans acquire and develop valuable business skills.” The GK added.

Some of the exhibitors at the Maiden “Marshallans’ Business Fair”  are: ATT Home Care, Rudys Investment Services, Hops and Barley, AKILA Bead up, Eden Family Hospital, Zedeck Co. Ltd., H&M Travel and Tours, Seat of Wisdom Liturgical, Prestige Institute Professionals (Cosmotology School), Na Spencer, Kids Paradise GH, Radio Angelus, Mikel- Odins Collections.

Grand Knight (GK) of Council 71, Bro. Dr. Innocent Adzamli (3rd from Right)

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