MTN hosts international bestselling author Mac Attram

By El-Amisty Nobo| Follow Amisty on twitter @ElAmistyNobo

MTN Ghana have announced leading business growth expert and millionaire [Mac Attram] as its keynote speaker at the upcoming MTN Business World Executive Breakfast Meeting, which comes off on Tuesday, October 16 at the Kempiski Hotel in Accra, Ghana.

The most sought after Business coach – Mac Attram will speak on the theme, ‘Leading Teams to Greater Results through Authentic Communication.’

Mac Attram worked for ten years in leading positions in the UK. He later quit his comfortable job for entrepreneurship, following a disagreement with a manager, a risk he took to fulfil his dream. “I had just got married, and I had a wife, and a big mortgage. My friends thought I was mad to leave, but I could not ignore the tug of entrepreneurship any longer,” he says.Related image

Attram has developed and sold several profitable companies. He has awards as additional proof of his success. The 24th MTN Business World Executive Breakfast Meeting is aimed at bringing top business executives and entrepreneurs across all sectors of the Ghanaian economy.

“At MTN Ghana we recognise the critical role in sharing good business practices which promotes economic growth. Holding such events, helps in inculcating an enterprising spirit in business owners and aspirants in today’s challenging business environment”, Corporate Services Executive Samuel Koranteng said.Image result for dela ahiawor

The first MTN Business World Breakfast series was held in August 2012 and has brought along leading local and international speakers. The last one which was held in July 2018 was on the theme “Blockchain Technology- A Force for Business Growth In Ghana”.


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