Inspectorate General of Finance – Head of Service, represented,
Director General of the National School of Finance
Director General of Taxes
Deputy Directors General of Taxes
Ladies and Gentlemen, Directors of Taxes;
Distinguished guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen.
In my opening speech of this conference, I underlined the low level of tax pressure in our country and I asked for a joint effort to raise it to the average level of sub-Saharan Africa, which is around 20%.
On this closing day, I would like to pay tribute to His Excellency the President of the Republic – Head of State, initiator of this new vision of sound public finance management, and to His Excellency the Prime Minister – Head of Government.
Director General of Taxes
Ladies and Gentlemen Directors of Taxes
I have carefully followed the resolutions of your meetings as well as the signing ceremony of the performance contracts between the High Directorate and the operational services. This shows that the performance culture is beginning to penetrate the General Directorate of Taxes. This is my vision: to establish a culture of management dialogue based on the search for performance for all the main indicators and in all the operational and management services.
For this reason, I insist that the operational departments also make their commitments to each management department to ensure that each entity is directly responsible for the revenue mobilization effort.
I believe that it is possible to achieve this gradually. The DGI must play its role as the first and foremost financial authority in this respect. So far, I am pleased that the DGI has mobilized 4,213.9 billion Congolese francs, i.e. 56% of all internal revenue. I urge you not to maintain the same pace, nor to lower it, but to accelerate further as this current level of revenue is undervalued compared to the fiscal potential and to the various constraints that hinder the mobilization of revenue: lacking IT, low VAT control ( a decade after its launch), taxpayer registry not conducive to the general tax liability of taxpayers, a fiscal base centered on a small number of taxpayers, …. In other words, there is a lot of work to be done to truly reform tax management in the DRC.
For my part, I have secured funding to implement an integrated, centralized and modular tax management software package at the DGI. Work is scheduled to begin in January 2022. The indirect tax reform project remains a priority for this last quarter of the year to be implemented next year. I encourage you to work hard to finalize the technical work by the end of this month. The broadening of the tax base is a major axis that must be of high concern to the tax administration, especially the reform aimed at the introduction of income tax.
We must maintain this dialogue between the executives of the DGI and all the staff, for beyond the professional obligations, there are professional synergies that must be respected as we are all part of a team committed to maximizing revenues.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Distinguished guests
Today’s ceremony is about the signing of performance contracts between senior management and operational departments. This is an act of management that should now be part of the norm, in accordance with international standards in this field.
By adopting this management method, you will witness and participate in the process, which I declare to be irreversible, of transforming our tax administrations, and particularly the General Tax Directorate, into services focused on the culture of performance, improving the quality of services rendered to taxpayers, and ultimately increasing internal revenues.
Thank you !
Minister of Finance