Marthad Khojama: Environmental activist promoting environmental conservation in Tanzania



My name is Marthad Khojama from Tanzania, I am an environmental passive activist. A student at Sokoine University of Agriculture pursuing a Bachelor degree in Environmental Sciences and Management. Serving as a volunteer campus chapter lead of Tanzania Youth Biodiversity Network, SMCoSE YouthMappers and Earthday Network since 2019.


Being part of a solution. Working with other youth to find solutions for local environmental and social problems by sensitization of the community, advocacy and using simple local resources and skills such as Mapping and other citizen science technology to come up with practical solutions to tackle climate change and create a more resilient community to the impacts of climate change.May be an image of 17 people, people standing and outdoors


Waste management and Land use change for Agricultural practices are major problems in our country. Waste management system are poor, according to reports only 35% – 55% of waste generated in Tanzania is collected. The rest of waste end up in streams, water ways ending up in sea or being subjected to open burning which contribute greatly to greenhouse gases emissions let alone the collected one ending up in open dumps which are not environmental friendly anyways. Agriculture is a backbone of our country economy but the use of low Agricultural technology which involve use of large land spaces with low yield and poor practices causing land degradation hence causing clearing of land and deforestation every year for agriculture.Del Report



Raising community awareness on the importance of environmental conservation and making waste management as everyone’s responsibility. Circular economy policies should be formulated so as to reduce amount of waste to be collected and curb the uncollected waste ending up in streams and drains or being subjected to open burning. Recycling business and material recovery facilities should be promoted and get both financial and policy support from the government. Sensitizing and provide financial and technological support to farmers so as to use less land attaining high yield. Citizen sciences such GIS should be used effectively in creation of data which can be used in planning for solutions for environmental problems and climate change resilience.May be an image of 6 people, people standing and outdoors


Instagram: marthad_khojama Facebook: marthad Khojama Twitter :marthad m Khojama (@jakho)


Source: Climate Daily Effects (C.D.F) is a social media platform that share stories and solutions to climate crisis in everyday life. C.D.F is presented to you Friday of every week by LYCA ‘s Climate Education Coordinator Miss. Kadiatu A. Sheriff. Climate Daily Effects is an initiative of  Liberian  Youth for Climate  Actions (LYCA)

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