Press Release
It’s by the grace of the Most High that we witness this year, the celebration of faith in our creator. For this grace, I celebrate with all our Muslim brothers and sisters all over the world.
This day is not just for merriment, it is a day of reminiscence and teaching about God’s love, sacrifice and uncommon faith.
Life has thought us a lot and continues teaching in so many ways; it confronts us with pains but faith in our creator comforts us with gains.
Apparently, today is about love, faith and sacrifice – Without these three, coming to fulfill our dreams and vision becomes host to uncertainty.
As men and women of the journalism profession, we all need to love our continent, have faith in it and sacrifice to make it great.
It is not always about our pen, slaughter slab for greater Africa. Yes, we have seen mundane things oozing out like septic sore within our dear continent, let’s think much more about possible solution with our pen. However, truth should always be said and the society should not be denied of our trust. Like I said, it is about three things; love, faith and sacrifice.
As we express gratitude to the Almighty Allah for His continued protection, i urge all of us to embrace unity and have faith in greater Africa. We have no other home.
Once again, I congratulate my global African Pen Family Muslim brothers and sisters all over the world.
Michael Adeboboye
Congress of African Journalists (CAJ) International President